Dengue fever is a viral infection caused by dengue virus which is a mosquito-borne flavivirus.
It is transmitted by Aedes aegypti and Aedes albopictus. There are four distinct serotypes, DENV-1,2,3
and 4. Each episode of infection induces a life-long protective immunity to the infected serotype but
confers only partial and transient protection against other serotypes. More than 100 countries in South Asia,
Southeast Asia, Africa, the Eastern Mediterranean and Western Pacific suffer from dengue infection.
The symptoms of the disease are similar to dengue fever. The patient will become worse due to inflammation in the bloodstream. Common symptoms include vomiting, nausea and pain in the abdomen. The blood vessels in the body can leak and cause a decrease in blood volume. This can cause the patient to experience shock and eventually cause death.
There are no specific medicines to treat dengue fever. Patients should be admitted to the ward for treatment of dengue fever. Early treatment can prevent death by less than 1%. Patients will be rehydrated to ensure they do not have a stroke. Although the name is a dengue fever, the risk of injury is a blood vessel leakage problem that causes bleeding and not bleeding which is a major problem.